Friday, March 14, 2008

Unleash Highlights.....

  1. Word of the day- Flamboyant, Tony Morgan

  2. Pastor Norma intentions to go and MINISTER to Pastor Ron... Draw your own conclusions.

  3. Perry Noble: Packs heat! to go along with his Jelly doughnut.

  4. People of NewSpring...... Awesome!

  5. LOOONG Van ride

  6. Ms. Barbara came within inches of having to remove her shoe!

  7. Moses leaning of his staff- Helen didn't get it!

  8. Awesome worship

  9. Main thing I will take away from this conference.... Be Relevant!

  10. Helen wants a IPhone..... Thanks Pastor B, Carolyn, Jen!!! You are all out of the will

Musa Out!

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