Sunday, March 16, 2008

Change is coming

Everything I knew or at least thought I knew about church is about to change. Should I be concerned??? No not really! Scared? Never! Excited and expectant??? Better Be! Pastor B has been bringing a word to us about how to be an agent of change in our everyday lives. A catalyst. I must admit that I have failed miserably in this category. I have plenty of head knowledge on what is right and wrong when it comes to the Word of God but I have been lacking in the Love department. Bryan stated it so today when he proclaimed it was time to put away the finger of accusation and open up the arms of love. Immediately I was convicted because I have done my share of finger pointing. But letting go of that proved difficult because I wanted to defend my position with the thought of defending the truth of the Word in regards to sin. It is not my job or place to sit in judgement of those who don't know the truth of Jesus. I am called to be an example of Him and do so in love. It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict the heart of the lost. I am discovering that if I will just do my part God will do His and use me in a greater measure. I heard it said once that we are simply to be to this world, "Jesus with skin on." Looks like I have some work to do.

Musa Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must admit, I experienced some conviction in this department as well this morning.