Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Crazy talk.

I have asked God some radical and crazy things in the last few days. Some of which I will not be able to go into at this time but trust me it will stretch my faith and that is a good thing.

For starters I have asked Him to put His finger on about 3 specific areas in my life that He wants to change/fix. Why 3, because I don't know if I could handle 4 and 3 seemed like a manageable number, so give me a break here people I am sharing my heart with you. Besides when He does and when I submit and allow Him to do what is necessary in those places I am confident that He will add another item to the plate.

Next I have asked God to make me a CRAZY GIVER. My pastor has always talked at length that he will never be rich because he gives too much $$$ away from himself. That is the heart I want and desire. Helen and I gave the largest offerings during the Myles Munroe conference that we have ever given. I believe it was a bold step for us and I am determined that what we gave during those meetings will from this point forward be the bare minimum that we are able to sow into the kingdom. I am excited to see what God will do with me and to me and through me.



Unknown said...

Are you sick? I mean, you do realize that you said, "I'm sharing my heart people" or something along those lines. I just wanted to check and make sure.
Can I tell you that when I started giving the way the Lord told me to give he BLEW me away with what he put back into my life in more than just the financial area. We tend to forget that he is invincible, he never loses...so we should really listen to him more, Huh?

Chip said...

Love reading your blog! Keep going.