Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Has I drove into work this morning I was listening to a song called "At the Cross". It was arranged by Reuben Morgan. The part that impacted me was the bridge in which it simply states:

"You tore the veil, you made a way when you said that it is done!"

Think about it, all that was needed was done when He stretched out His hands and died on that tree. At that moment the veil was torn from top to bottom. From every thing I know about that veil, it was a thick piece of material, not likely to be torn by accident or by the hand of man.

What did this give us? It gave us access to the Holy of Holies. It paid all our debts in full. No other sacrifice was necessary. My debts and yours were cancelled when He said it was finished. I thought about how many times I have reminded God of my many shortcomings and failures. I was thinking about them again this morning until this song came on my Ipod. He simply said to me Johnny, I have taken care of it. It is finished. Let it go. I cried out to the Lord in thanks and praise for what He had done for me. I declared back to Him what He declare to me.

It is finished, it is over and done with. No more sacrifices are necessary. In a nutshell, I was reminded that I was free because of the finished work of Christ. God is GOOD!

MUSA Out!!!

1 comment:

Real Life Sarah said...

Thanks, Johnny. I must have needed to hear this today, because I am getting teary reading it. That is one of my all-time favorite worship songs!