Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am a Transformer!

This morning, before I left for work, I read Romans 12:2. I asked the Lord to transform my mind, to elevate my thinking. Helen has been faithfully reminding me to break out of the old mindsets that we as a couple have allowed to run our lives. To be honest, I was in a blue funk for most of the afternoon yesterday. I really had no reason to be. I got to spend time with my wife and children and we went to the movies. It was an extra day away from work and school and I should have been elated at the chance to be with them. And yet I found myself thinking of the things we didn't have, yet at least to me we needed. The point is that I have to allow God to change my way of thinking so that I can discern what it is He wants me to do and where I should go. I can't do that when I am stuck in an old worn out mindset. Simply because thinking like that is not on the same plain that God's thinking is, and He desires for me to come up to where He resides. So today, I am asking for a transformation of my mind, my thoughts and my desires.

Remember- If you think you can or you think you can't.... You are Right!

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