Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Part 3

Great Inventions during the 70's and 80's

Reese peanut butter cups
Mello Yello
Kit Kat Bar


Caroline said...

Personally ... for me ... it's gotta be the FLO-BY ... that thing you could hook up to your vaccuum cleaner and cut your hair with ... CLASSIC commerical.

Just for a little trip down history lane though ... here are some other inventions from the 70's and 80's ...

Car Air Bags - 1973
Kevlar - 1971
Dot Matrix Printer - 1971
Food Processor - 1971
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display 1971
VCR - 1971
Microprocessor 1971
Word Processor 1972
Pong the video game 1972
Hackey Sack 1972
Gene Splicing 1973
The Ethernet 1973
Disposal lighter - 1973
Post It note - 1974
Liposuction 1974
The Laser Printer 1975
Push through drink tabs 1975
The Ink Jet Printer 1976
MRI - 1977
Artificial Heart 1978
Cellular phone 1979
Cray Super Computer 1979
Walkman 1979
Roller Blades 1979
Hep B vaccine 1980
MS-DOS 1981
First PC - 1981
Cabbage Patch Kids - 1983
CD Rom - 1984
Disposable camera 1986
Disposable contact lens 1987
Doplar Radar - 1988
Prozac - 1988
HDTV - 1989
World Wide Web - 1990

~laughing~ note the prozac was invented along the same time as all the high tech computer stuff!

Caroline said...

As for strictly food inventions of the 70's and 80's ... here's an interesting list ...

1970, Eggo waffles
1970, Hamburger Helper
1971, canned A&W Root Beer
1971, Jell-O pudding treat
1971, Rolos candy
1971, smoked Spam
1971, Starbucks
1972, Egg McMuffin
1972, Top Ramen
1972, Tuna Helper
1973, Cuisinart food processor
1973, Honey Maid cinnamon grahams
1976, Jelly Belly
1976, orange M&M's
1977, McDonald's Happy Meal
1977, Yoplait yogurt
1978, Reese's Pieces

1981, aspartame
1981, Prego spaghetti sauce
1981, Stouffer's Lean Cuisine
1982, Diet Coke
1982, Equal
1983, Nutrasweet
1984, Ben & Jerry's ice cream
1985, Cherry Coke
1985, New Coke
1985, Pop Secret microwave
1986, Classic Coke
1987, Cherry 7-Up
1987, Nestlé Alpine White chocolate bar
1987, soy milk
1989, Symphony candy bar

FYI ... KoolAid was invented in 1927 ... Reese's Cups in 1928 ... Sprite in 1961 ... The KitKat bar in 1937 ... but you did get Mellow Yellow right - 1979 ~grins~

Kevin Thomasson said...

Spam wasn't invented it was thrust upon us. Also did you know spam was from Hawaii?

Jan said...

What about...
bubble yum
reese's pieces
pop rocks

rubic's cube!

Kim's Hotrod said...

Kevin said:

Also did you know spam was from Hawaii?

Umm, I don't think so. Spam is hugely popular in Hawaii (goes back to WWII) and other places, but it was invented by Mr. Hormel, probably in Minnesota.

My list:

Rubik's Cube
Apple Computers
Fiber Optics
Polaroid Cameras
Chia Pets
The Clapper

Kevin Thomasson said...

Looked it up and yes in 1937 SPAM was introduced by Hormel.
It is produced in Hawaii as well as Ireland, Australia, Germany.
Sorry for the miss information.
My list.

1. Me 1971
2. My wife 1975
3. Parachute pants
4. Members only jackets
5. Atari

John F said...

Thanks Caroline for hammering me on my own blog..... YOu have hurt my feelings! :(

Kim's Hotrod said...

Maybe we could do a best albums (to us, not according to Billboard, Rolling Stone, Dick Clark, or whoever) of the 70's and 80's.

carolyn mejia said...

universal remote

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