Monday, June 11, 2007


Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

God spoke three things to me this week... In light of the fact that Father's Day is Sunday, I find this a good time to share this.

3 things:

  1. Have a pure heart
  2. Serve your wife
  3. love your children

I can look at these points and say that these are the important ingredients to being a successful man, husband and father. I would elaborate on them but as you can plainly see, the title is all about keeping it simple.


Hbomb said...

OK honey, I linked you to 8 Juicy Things About Me...don't kill me, it's all Sarah's fault!

Hbomb said...

Sorry, I'm computer illiterate some days...just og to my blog to see what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.