Saturday, June 23, 2007


OH BOY!!!! We have finally moved into the new house. We closed on Wednesday and while Helen was away at a teacher conference. I had some family over to help paint the downstairs. We moved in today and boy am I glad that is over. Special thanks to all my movers.... Pastor B a.k.a Gold Medal Spooner!, Super Don Printy, Mike Capace and his kids, Brett Ham, Christopher and Big Chris and of course Grandpa!

Job well done... Thanks for every thing. If you want pictures then Check out my wife's site, whenever she decides to post them!


Jan said...

Good job, Johnny! I can't believe you did it without Helen... though from what she says that was probably a good thing. And you already have internet?? Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Musa! I would expect nothing less! I know your bride is very blessed by all of your hard work, and that all of you are going to enjoy this new beginning!

Hbomb said...

Just to sat the record straight, he painted without me, but did not move without me. I packed almost the entire apartment by myself (except for the few boxes Johnny stood beside me while I packed them and talked to me - which I did greatly appreciate the company) and I was moving yesterday too...and every muscle in my body is proclaiming my move too. I will post some pictures once I can walk without tripping on something. Love ya babe!

Real Life Sarah said...

Congratulations, guys!! I know it feels wonderful!!