Monday, March 31, 2008

Good Foundation

I wish I could go to bed, but as it stands I am unable to... Our church just finished tonight hosting Dr. Myles Munroe. He laid out some deep things of God and about Kingdom principles. The thing that has been on my mind since I left church was the foundation. You see as a Man my job is to be the foundation of my family. What is a foundation.... It is something to be built upon. A load bearer. Something that carries the full weight. When done correctly it is not seen. As the foundation of my family I am setting an example to my children of what kind of foundation my son will be and what kind of foundation my daughters should look for in a husband. And they will build off of what I laid down. Foundations are generational.... We past them on to our children's children. If I am a good foundation then my kids have something solid to build on. If I am shaky then I give them something uncertain on which to stand, and destined to crumble thus leaving another in my blood line to start anew and build it right. No one else can build it for me. Think about it, what do they call a child that comes from a dysfunctional family??? A broken home. The foundation is not right. It needs repair. I think I will go lay down now.... I doubt sleep will come quickly.

Musa Out!

Dr. Myles Munroe

Well there are 2 meetings down.... All I can say at this point is... DEEP! I have taken a lot of notes, but still a lot to absorb in my mind and spirit. More to come.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Failing education... Peace or Mercedes

Well for those who know me best, you know that I like to follow all things political. Hat tip to Michelle Malkin on this one. Just goes to show, that if you are going to use your God given rights to protest something that you should at least be smart enough to get your symbols right.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sign of the times....

I must admit that one of my favorite things to do is people watch. The thing that goes along side that is I also like to ready bumper stickers on cars because it will tell you a lot about the person driving the car. (Political, religious, etc...) With that being said I saw a church sign at a local church here that said volumes to me about what is going on at that church. The sign simply said "Sinners welcome, Come on in!" Now I agree that sinners should be welcome into our places of worship because ultimately that is what we are here for. But considering that many lost people don't know they are lost, how is that an effective ministry tool.... Looking at it from my perspective if I was a "lost" person or "sinner" it wouldn't inspire me to darken the doors of that church. My point is that I have been hearing for several weeks/months about direction and vision for our house, is to meet the people were they are. For us to create an environment for the lost that will draw them into the presence of God. That environment starts in our workplaces and neighborhoods. I am just saying that "cute" little signs on church billboards don't attract people to church nor do they win them to Christ. Flesh and blood believers with a calling and passion for God do that. It became easier for me to understand this once I realized it wasn't about me anymore.

It is just my opinion of course.....

Musa Out!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Can I be more than what I am right now?
Am I convinced of God's call and purpose for my life?
What am I looking forward to.... Right Now?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I don't know how to do it...

When I was in college we used to do Friday and Saturday night evangelism on and around campus. A sort of cold call sales pitch where we would approach a complete stranger and present them with the gospel. While it served a purpose, I don't recall gaining much fruit from our labor. Now jump forward to my senior year at App, my roommate and I decided to witness to our entire football team. To be able to do that we had to have the respect and trust of our teammates. We approach our head coach with an idea of presenting the whole team with their own personal bibles. Now I only know of one of my former teammates who professed Christ as a result of our efforts but to me it was a endeavor well rewarded. We also decided at the beginning of the season to hand out copies of the Gospel of John to the players of the opposing teams. Now if you didn't know our football uniforms did not have pants. So we got one of the trainers to hold on to them for us and we would get them from him after the game. We would write a small note in the front of each gospel track complete with our phone numbers. Long story short, I don't remember hearing about the fruit of that labor but the one thing that made it all worth it was the fact that I saw that trainer maybe a year later and he shared with me how those tracks and what we wrote in them had impacted his life. As a result he recommitted his life to Christ. He wasn't even our target audience but God knew what He was doing all along. The point is, I have been in a funk as to how to be an effective witness in my work place. When really all God was calling me to do was be an example of Him in the earth. Believe it or not it is possible to do without condemning someone to Hell. I wrote some names down this morning. People I want to be saved. For them to come to Christ it will require something of me.

SO HERE WE GO.......

Musa Out!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Showing some love....

I have to show some love to a great friend and Brother. Mr. Kevin "Cubbie" Thomasson for a great post on the fruit of the Spirit. Made me stop and think.... How fresh is your fruit? Check it out. Great Read!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why didn't I think of this sooner.....

We have been in "discussions" with Caleb our 12 year old. He has done what any other normal pre-teen has done. He decided it was easier not to be honest with his parents than just be truthful. While the details of the offenses (yes offenses) were minor in scope, taken collectively they become a major issue because Helen and I will not tolerate lying. That being said, consequences were quick in coming. Which led me to ask to more in depth questions. We found out that Caleb was having issues with a classmate that was giving him a hard time. The father in me wanted to rise up and tell him to handle his business and fight back. Knowing that would not be the best course of action I tempered my speech to remind him the nobody has the right to put their hands on him. After a few minutes of talking about it, we told him that this kid may not have a great home life which could be the reason for his actions toward Caleb. Caleb has never had a problem making friends and he is very well liked by his classmates. Then it hit me.... I told him the next time this other boy begins to mess with him that Caleb should simply say... " Hey Man you seem to be having a bad day.... How about you let me pray for you? Just saying that should freak him completely out. If he says no, pray for him anyway out loud.

My son laughed and said you know dad.... It makes sense.... Look out but I think he is beginning to get it. That's my boy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hump Day

One more workday and then off for a 3 day weekend.... Yes!!!!

Two more old friends joined in to Twitter.... Welcome Kevin and Caroline

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Restore the Roar!!!!

Psalm 51:12
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

I have been thinking alot about what Pastor B, said this week and I have come up with another thought on the matter. He was talking about remembering moments in our past and how they affected our lives. He shared about the miscarriages that his wife had and the pain associated with them. He talked about how time has the ability to take the edge off to a point of numbing the hurt but that he never forgot. It is quite simple. In some ways I believe at least for me that I have allowed myself to forget what it felt like to be Christian. The time in my life when I have a burning desire to save the world even when I couldn't recite a single scripture. I can remember the day I was baptized and the night after campus ministry in college when I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. All were milestones in my walk with God. All that being said I have asked God that Psalm 51:12 would be my prayer and my desire. Restoring the Joy of HIS salvation in my life and more importantly a WILLING SPIRIT to do what He has called me to do.

MUSA Out..... Restoring the ROAR

Monday, March 17, 2008

A case of the Monday's

Well another Monday is in the books. Going to be a busy week. I am the project lead on the computer upgrade project for one of our local elementary schools. Caleb started baseball tonight and Helen is well, let's just say she is tired. Some doors are opening for us and I need God's wisdom to know if it is Him or just a distraction. Just to be sure I don't believe it is the latter. So the question remains will I have the courage to move into it? I know the Lord is up to something and it is something good. I am trying to figure out my part in it and what it will require of me. Do I have the chops to go all the way. I have come too far to turn back now, to leave this thing only half done. Mondays tend to bring it out of me because I am trying to set my mind for the week ahead. No matter what God is good and faithful towards me.

Rabbit trial: Deal or No Deal... What a great waste of an hour!!! No skill involved just the luck of the draw..... Perfect!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Change is coming

Everything I knew or at least thought I knew about church is about to change. Should I be concerned??? No not really! Scared? Never! Excited and expectant??? Better Be! Pastor B has been bringing a word to us about how to be an agent of change in our everyday lives. A catalyst. I must admit that I have failed miserably in this category. I have plenty of head knowledge on what is right and wrong when it comes to the Word of God but I have been lacking in the Love department. Bryan stated it so today when he proclaimed it was time to put away the finger of accusation and open up the arms of love. Immediately I was convicted because I have done my share of finger pointing. But letting go of that proved difficult because I wanted to defend my position with the thought of defending the truth of the Word in regards to sin. It is not my job or place to sit in judgement of those who don't know the truth of Jesus. I am called to be an example of Him and do so in love. It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict the heart of the lost. I am discovering that if I will just do my part God will do His and use me in a greater measure. I heard it said once that we are simply to be to this world, "Jesus with skin on." Looks like I have some work to do.

Musa Out


As we say here in the South... I am fixing to go to church. I believe my heart is ready to worship the Lord this morning. There will be no need to prime the pump today. My expectations are high and I look forward to seeing what God will accomplish in his people this morning. Rock are you ready???

Musa Out!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Weight Of Worship

While at the Unleash2008 conference I was struck by something Lee McDerment said during one of the break out sessions. He was sharing a story of how he was at a conference and the Evangelist, who was the key speaker pulled Lee aside to tell him that he was going to be held more accountable for what came out of his mouth than the Evangelist was. The reason being is because during worship the people's hearts are more open to have something imparted to them. That hit me square in the face. I love worship and I love being a part of the worship experience in our church. I had never looked at it in that manner before. It made me think about the times that I have lead worship and question whether my motives were right towards God and the congregation. I am certain that they were not always right and I asked God's forgiveness. I desire a fresh perspective on worship and how important it is to setting up the rest of a church service and putting the enemy at bay so that the Holy Spirit can move more freely.

Musa Out.

I Twitter and I don't know why....... So should you....

appstate38 is the handle.... obiviously

Unleash Highlights.....

  1. Word of the day- Flamboyant, Tony Morgan

  2. Pastor Norma intentions to go and MINISTER to Pastor Ron... Draw your own conclusions.

  3. Perry Noble: Packs heat! to go along with his Jelly doughnut.

  4. People of NewSpring...... Awesome!

  5. LOOONG Van ride

  6. Ms. Barbara came within inches of having to remove her shoe!

  7. Moses leaning of his staff- Helen didn't get it!

  8. Awesome worship

  9. Main thing I will take away from this conference.... Be Relevant!

  10. Helen wants a IPhone..... Thanks Pastor B, Carolyn, Jen!!! You are all out of the will

Musa Out!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dead Man Walking!!!

Ever feel this way..... Normally I am not one to be governed (a great deal) by my emotions. But lately I have been in a funk that has been difficult to shake. I would call it a rut. My Pastor would call it a grave with both ends kicked out, thus at least for me the Dead Man walking. It is something I can not fully describe but I am very aware of its existence. The status quo has been my home, my comfort zone. I have found myself to be unsatisfied with being satisfied, and yet I still feel like I am unable to see over the side of this trench that I am in. Can anyone relate? Funny thing is, God has been ever faithful and patiently waiting for this moment to come. Perhaps even bringing it to pass.... Yeah that's not like Him at all is it??? This week I will be attending the Unleash conference in Anderson S.C. I believe it will be a powerful time with many believers from all over the nation. My desire is for this conference to stir something deep in me that has laid dormant for far too long. Truth is, if I don't take what is imparted and apply it then I will find myself right back in the same place. That is unacceptable. The question that remains is a very simple one. Will I be the Surrendered Warrior and yield to what God is directing and instructing or will I return to walk the same course of the status quo. Seems on the surface to be a no brainer. But I was always somewhat hard headed.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lunch Time Thoughts....

This is one of the few times that I can sit down at lunch in front of my machine and actually put down some thoughts. Just finished setting up some laptops for one of our many elementary schools when I got a call from my Bride that she was having trouble with her flash drive that I bought for her. So I got to drive to her school and fix that for her. Poor thing is still sick.... But now I am rabbit trailing: Lunch time thoughts.

I love to sing and I love great praise and worship music. We are learning some new music for Easter and there are a couple songs in that list that to me have to potential to be very powerful and make a great impact in our worship time. Great worship makes it easier for the rest of the service to flow better. I guess that is part of the reason that Joshua sent the singers and dancers out ahead of the army. Because the battle that was being fought was not being conducted initially in the physical realm but in the spirit realm. The people's part was to sing and praise and dance before the Lord as they marched around the city. Our worship confuses the enemy and brings more of God's power into our situation.

With all that being said, I began to think back to some of my younger days and to the artists who God used to make a big difference in my life. Guys like Keith Green, Rich Mullens, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter, Fred Hammond, Commissioned. I could even throw in an old Sandy Pattie song for good measure. Larnel Harris as well..... Songs by people like this, I could sing every note to even though I haven't heard the particular song in years.
So there you have it.... Worship and the people who have made some great music is what is on my mind....
Musa Out!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday Brain Dump

Well I thought I would try it again since it was so much fun last time. If you have never been to Apple website to check out the latest movie trailers then let me be the one to suggest a visit. With that said, a few movies that are on my summer watch list are as follows:

  1. Get Smart- Steve Carell is just plain funny, Plus The Rock is in it has well.
  2. Iron Man- Cool toys and lots of explosions.... What's not to like.
  3. The Dark Knight- Its Batman need I say more.
  4. Hancock- Will Smith movie where he plays a bitter superhero. Good enough for me
  5. Indiana Jones- The first 3 were great... No need to expect anything different!
  6. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian- My kids are as excited about this one as I am
  7. Wall.E- Disney Pixar film Love the animation should be another good one.

That's my list.... What's yours?