Which do you prefer???
- Coke or Pepsi
- Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts
- Mcdonalds french fries or Hardee's or Burger King
- For You Married Couples- Spooning or sleeping back to back
- Chips Ahoy or Oreos
- Domino's or Pizza Hut
- 24 or Heroes (if it is not 24 then don't bother to answer)
- CSI- Las Vegas or CSI- Miami
- PC or Mac
- Road Runner or DSL ( if you are still using dial-up, please turn in your computer now!)
- Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry
- Football ( that's it, you only get one choice)
- NIV or NKJ or the Message bible or something else
- Thanksgiving or Christmas
- Pringles or Lay's
- Hamburgers or Hotdogs
- Night Owl or Morning Person
- The mountains or the beach
- Dogs or cats
- Right handed or Left
Answer one, answer all or add your own!!!
Krispy Kreme - Chris Rock said it best, "This stuff is crack of the food world"
Burger King - the crispy kind
Heroes - Jack needs to just blow up
CSI - I just can't get into it.
PC - does apple make anything other than iPods? I even own a Zune.
Road Runner
Bugs Bunny
Football - there are other sports?
(Though the Spelling Bee is awesome to watch)
NIV or NKJ I use both of these.
Pringles - you can stack them!
Hotdogs - any food you can lose count of when eating has to be the best.
Night Owl or Morning Person - yes
The mountains - sand sucks - never heard of anyone getting eaten in the mountains.
Left - explains a lot.
Krispy Kreme - hands down
Burger King
Back to Back - I can't stay still long enough to spoon
Pizza Hut
24 - Jack is unmatchable!
CSI Las Vegas
DSL - honestly I don't care as longs as it's fast
Tom and Jerry
Football!!!!!!! - That has to be my answer I am married to John Fuller
NKJ is what I have always used, but I do really like the Message
Hamburgers - I've never been able to get passed the idea that the goverment regulations allow for so much animal hair in hotdogs...YUCK!
Used to be a Night Owl, after kids and having to be at work at 7:00a.m. I have out of necessity become a morning person
Beach - ALWAYS
Dogs - Cats make me crazy
Right Handed
-Krispy Kreme. When I was working at a grocery store in high school, my breaktime snack consisted of 6 glazed, creme filled KK doughnuts and a 16oz Cheerwine. It's amazing I'm still alive and not a diabetic.
- Wendy's
- Back to Back and not touching. I can't sleep if somebody is touching me.
- Chips Ahoy
- Pizza Hut stuffed crust FTW
- I don't watch any of the shows you've listed.
- Mac. For those of us who like our computers to work.
- High Speed Cable
- Bugs Bunny
- NASCAR and football
- NIV, but I like NASB and NLT quite a bit.
- Christmas
- Pringles all day long.
- Cheeseburgers
- Night owl for sure
- Yes. I lived both places and I like them both.
- Like both cats and dogs
- Right handed
Coke- real coke ... not diet ... anything else is unAmerican!
Krispy Kreme- I recall a certain reunion down in Wilmington and oh ... about 4 dozen doughnuts we didn't share with the guys!
Mcdonalds french fries-nothing compares
For You Married Couples- Spooning - it took some getting used to cause I was used to sleeping alone for 29 years but now it's definitely spooning!
Chips Ahoy or Oreos - neither Nutterbutters rock!
Pizza Hut
24 or Heroes - Neither -right now I'm addicted to Top Chef ~laughs~ and most of the HBO series. Prison break if you have to have a -normal- series.
CSI- Las Vegas
DSL - I loved my Road Runner though!
Bugs Bunny - THE CRUSHER!
Football - errr ... Mixed Martial Arts is my first fav though.
Night Owl
The mountains or the beach - both but if pressed right now ... I'd say the mountains.
cats - dogs are for those too weak to manage a cat! ~grins~
Right handed
Krispy Kreme
Gold Medal Spoons
Vegas Baby!
PC on a Mac (just to spite 'em)
Australian Rules Football
Give me the gifts
Chili Cheese Burgers
Hooo Hooo!
Salt Spray keeps me alive
1. Coke
2. Krispy Kreme (hot)
3. McDonalds french fries (Helen , there is something wrong with you.)
4. Spooning - you really shouldn't ask these questions around PB - he drives us all crazy.
5. Oreos - Double Stuff
6. ummmm....neither - Elizabeth's
7. 24 (of course)
8. johnny, it's CSI- Miami, johnny - (look down, remove sunglasses, look up with just the eyes) just so i can make fun of Heratio - johnny.
9. Mac
10. Road Runner
11. Tom and Jerry
12. Volleyball
13. The Message
14. Thanksgiving
15. Lay's (kettle cooked)
16. Depends on who's cooking
17. night owl
18. the beach, the beach, the beach - can we go right now???
19. cats - dogs are too needy
20. Depends on what I'm doing. write: right, eat: left, bat: left, golf: left, throw: right.
Krispy Kreme(I'm doing good it's been over a year since I had one)
Don't know...I'll get back to you on that one.
Yeah, can't exactly answer that one.
hmmm...don't really have a preference, oreos i guess.
Well, I only watched one show of each, so I won't get shot 24.
Here we go... If I had the money I would love to have a Mac, but I do love my computer which is a PC.
DSL-never had RR.
Tom and Jerry
If I have to watch Football, it's going to be college or the superbowl, that is it.
I like them all. However I do like my own, NIV, I use everyone else's Message though.
Hard Choice...hmmmm...I'll get back to you on this one.
Neither, Veggie Crisp, Sun Chips, Doritoes.
Mr. Mike's Burgers
A bit of both here lately I've had to become both.
I would love to have both.Thanks.
Dogs, cats are not something prefer and I think that I'm some what allergic.Don't know for sure but might be.
Right.most definite.
Pepsi - diet Jazz kind
Krispy Kreme
McDonalds. Loved them ever since I was a kid the best...
Pizza Hut - the best pizza around.
Neither 24 or Hero's. Haven't watched an episode of either.
CSI Las Vegas for sure. They are the only one I watch.
I liked Road Runner. But now we have DSL. As long as it connects me quick, I don't care.
Bugs Bunny.
NIV and the Message are what I use the most.
Christmas! It's the birthday of Jesus!
Pringles... the only potatoe chip I eat.
Hamburgers... with cheese of course.
Definitely a night owl. No matter how much rest I get... I am always tired during the day, but at night... I am wide awake.
I really enjoyed living at the beach but I have never lived in the mountains... so my vote is Mountains.
Um hello! Five furry babies here and they are definitely all CATS!
Right handed. Yup I'm normal. :)
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