Sunday, June 3, 2007

Childhood reflections!

I decided to take a different turn with my latest post and it will require some help and insight from all who pass through here. I would like share with you some of my favorite toys from my childhood. Now remember I grew up during the 70's and 80's so nintendo and X-Boxes weren't an option. So it got me thinking about putting together a sort of top 10 list of toys that I played with. So here we go!!!

1. Micronauts- Don't know how I found them but they were my absolute fav.
2. G.I. Joes- Not the 12" tall ones with the Kung-Fu grip, but the 4" tall ones.
I would conduct football games on my couch with them and my Micronauts.
3. Star Wars Men- Not as much fun as the top 2. Not fully poseable, only draw back.
4. Fisher-Price adventure people- Great vehicles that I could use to play with the top 2 once again.
5. Classic army men- enough said
6. Hot wheels/matchbox cars- Tough to decide which was better, depends on what kind of cars they were producing.
7. Six-Million Dollar Man action figure. Just plain cool
8. Stretch Armstrong- Great toy until I poked a hole in him to see what made him so stretchy.
9. Evil Knevil Stunt set- Included motorcycle, ryder and launcher. Great for jumping stuff inside and out.
10. Legos/model airplanes and the like.


Anonymous said...


Kim's Hotrod said...

1. Transformers - more than meets the eye!
2. Army men
3. Hot Wheels cars & their racetrack
4. Constructo-Straws
5. The Evil Knievel Stunt set was awesome!!
6. Star Wars Figures
7. Atari 2600 FTW!!!!
8. Digital Derby
9. Mattel Handheld Digital Basketball Game
10. My Bicycle. More time spent on that than with any toy.

Jan said...

I was also fascinated by that Stretch Armstrong toy, and poked a hole in it.. I remember that it smelled funny! I don't really have a top ten list, I remember having an electronic pac-man game that I loved, and I loved Payday and Clue, I liked riding my bike and roller skating, and I liked playing with Chinese Jacks.

Anonymous said...

My top ten...

1. I also had a small electronic Pac-man that I used to love!
2. Thundercats! HO! I used to collect action figures and sticker books.
3. HeroQuest - a board game.
4. Triominos and Memory - both I would play frequently with my grandmother.
5. Playing cards.
6. Trouble... I used to really love the sound of popping the bubble.
7. Bicycle - I used to go on long 62, 64 mile bike rides and camp at a lake with my family.
8. Clue... also a game I enjoyed very much. Miss Scarlet was always up to no good...
9. Shutes & Ladders. Good times.
10. The never ending video game upgrades starting with Atari 2600 to Nintendo, Super Nintendo and then Playstation 1 & 2. Gladly I have ended the line there lol! No way am I paying 400 dollars for the next one!

Caroline said...

1. Barbie ... I was into EVERYTHING Barbie.
2. Darcie ... a bigger action figure than Barbie but I used her to fight my brother's GI with the kung-fu grip. She also had a horse which was very cool.
3. My brother's 6 million Dollar man rocket and doll were the entire envy of my childhood. I stole it as often as possible to play with it.
4. Definitly Stretch ArmStrong ... He was the bomb!
5. I liked Candyland and Hi Ho Cherrio when I was a bit younger.
6. Battleship was THE Game between my brother and I.
7. My brother and I watched Batman every day on TV and then we would get towels and put them over our shoulders and run around outside playing Batman and Robin.
8. Likewise, we would just pretend play that we were both Bionic ... I was only allowed one bionic part -- my pinky finger. My brother was such a bionic snob!
9. My bicycle was the deal! I was on it every day. My brother and I made Evil Knivel ramps and would jump them on our bikes.
10. The Evil Knivel stunt set ... definitely a big hit for us. My brother and I would try to find the most daring places to launch him from and see if he could actually jump as far as on TV.

Kevin Thomasson said...

1. Star Wars Figures
2. Legos
3. My Bike
4. My go cart - no redneck kid was complete without a go cart
5. Two pieces of wood and some nails. (only those who truly know me)
6. Firecrackers and empty skoal cans. (Ant hills were a plus)
7. BB gun - let your imagination run
8. Red boots - I was Spiderman for a good two years.
9. Atari 2600 - the Sears version
10. My pool.

J - start a favorite show list from that era. "Greatest American Hero" was the best.

Kim's Hotrod said...

Kevin said:

"J - start a favorite show list from that era. "Greatest American Hero" was the best."

Ooh, ooh, ooh... I want to play. I'll reserve my list for the appropriate post.

carolyn mejia said...

um...i grew up on a horse farm, an only child, and a tom boy to boot, sooooo...

1. fireflies (I liked dissecting them to see what made them glow)
2, daddy long legs (I liked pulling their legs off and watching them squirm.)
3. a half full hay loft full of medium tight alfalfa hay (alfalfa bails were nice and square, bound with wire, and medium tight ones were easier to move cause they weren't so heavy. When the loft got to half full there was enough room to make some impressive mansions, castles...full cities even.
4. spin (he was my pony. he bucked me off at least twice a week.)
5. hopping over electric fences in between jolts. (hold a big stick on the wire to time the pulses, get the rhythm in your head, then go for it! didn't take long to get good at it... my friends hated that game!)
6. bunnies (i bread and showed mini lops and rex rabbits.)
7. bull dogs (my family bred them and sold them)
8. ford bush hog (we had 100 acres of grass to mow. i loved it!)
9. the pack house (this was a great big shed on the farm that had loads and loads of really cool old stuff. i used to go up there just to see what i could find. i always found something new. great place to play hide and seek, too.)
10. bobcat (front end loader we used to clean our 45 stalls... every single day - - but the bobcat was really fun to drive.)

bryan mcgee said...

I just used a tin can and stick to amuse myself... Wait, that was my dad.

My favorite toy was a bike my dad and I built when I was about 9 or 10. We dismantled an old beat up bike and then sanded and repainted it. We got some cool stickers, put new tires on it and tricked it out. It was the coolest bike on the street and I could ride a wheely all day long on it.

Oh, and I had a Commodore 64 that you had to load programs from a cassette drive. Man, that Pong game was way cool!

Then I had an Intellivision! It was the X-Box 360 of the day. Dad and I would play baseball for hours. The graphics were almost realistic.