Friday, June 15, 2007

8 Facts about me.... I guess

I was tagged by my Wife so here we go.

  1. As a kid I use to bite my toe nails.... Very flexible as a lad I was
  2. My mom used to steal the eggs off of my plate while at the breakfast table because I hated eggs and feed them to the dog. The cool part was that she was fast enough to do it with my dad sitting there and he never noticed.
  3. Back in the 70's in Charlotte I was taken off the bus because the bus monitor thought I was on the wrong bus because I was black and that bus when to a "white" neighborhood that we lived in. My mom was waiting at home and when I didn't get off the bus she came looking for me and when she found me at school she let that teacher have it... Both barrels!!!
  4. I kissed Kevin a.k.a Cubbie on a dare from Big Waxy. Whoa I needed to do something manly right after..... Christina (his wife) can have him! It was quick and painful! See what peer pressure can do!
  5. As a kid I put my hands through 4 glass screen doors without cutting myself. Apparently I was in a hurry to get outside and hitting the handle was optional.
  6. As a toddler my Nanny was German and she spoke to us often in German so when I got home I would also speak to my parents in German. I was a well rounded youth.
  7. I once threw cinder blocks into my neighbors pool... just because. My dad was really mad, but I didn't get a spanking, in part because he might have killed me. I was grounded for several weeks though
  8. The Log story.... More on that one later.



Anonymous said...

Ok Johnny... that is hilarious! I don't think I knew most of those stories, so it was pretty cool getting to hear more about you. Also thanks for the heads up on watching out for you and Cubbie next time I am around you both lol!

Caroline said...

Wow ... learn something new all the time I guess ... I knew all the stories EXCEPT the nanny ... You had a nanny Musa? ~bol~ That's hilarious to me. A German nanny ... wow! How come you never dazzled us with your German, anyways?

I can't wait to hear the Log story again *L* ... oh the pain!!!!

bright blessings for the ER staff ... I'm praying for ya'll!


Kevin Thomasson said...

Don't ever dare a crazy redneck.

Hbomb said...

OK-I must confess there were no suprises but in the witness of blog world this is all I have to say "don't ever give my kids a hard time about not eating their food or I might have to resort to Beeda methods."

Jan said...

Great ones, Johnny! It makes me think that I need to upgrade the dirt on myself... but I think my life hasn't been nearly as scandalous!

Real Life Sarah said...

First of all, That bus monitor had some NERVE!! I give credit to your mother for not committing assault, like I probably would have.

Second, you must be really secure to admit #4. ;D

Third, do you still speak any German?