Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Night Brain Dump!

Well it is Sunday night and we don't have choir practice.... So I find myself in front of this computer typing out this blog post.

  1. I attended a pair of funerals over the weekend, one of which I was asked to be a pal bearer as soon as I arrived at the church. Helen was worried about me. But I was honored to do it.
  2. I saw a lady driving on I-40 and she was holding her cell phone with one hand and flossing her teeth with the other. Talented or stupid.... You decide.
  3. It has been Jungle hot outside over the past few days.
  4. Vacation for me and my family is one week away.
  5. Kennedy turned 10 this past Tuesday.... My kids are going up WAY TOO FAST!
  6. Caleb will be 13 in August. I could be wrong but I think of all my closest friends from college that Helen and I will be the first to take the dip into parenting a teenager. Fortunately we will get to practice on Kennedy before we get to Courtney. She may be the one that tests my metal as a father.
  7. Abbye bailed on the worship team because she wanted to get ready for baby Rylee. Can you believe it. Man, this is so unfair. Seriously, it was great to have her as our Worship and Creative arts Director.
  8. Happy Anniversary to my pastors: Ron and Norma- 39 years!!! AWESOME!
  9. Must go to the beach this summer.

Question of the Day/Week/Month: If the only time you pray together as a family is over your meals, is that a problem?

As always.... I'm just saying..... Musa Out!


Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny! Annette Padgett here..I've enjoyed reading your blog the past few months...Per #6 on your list..teenage years are great! Hannah is 16, Julia will be 15 in July and Noah is 12. We are having a blast...yes, we have been driven to our knees, but what a great place of humility. We will be down your way some time in July and would love to see you. We were thinking of trying to get some people we know together to while we're down there. We will keep you posted. I'm on facebook--look me up if you want to see pics of the kids. Blessings, Annette

Chip said...

Love the brain dump Johnny! Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm..I "bailed" on you" What's up with that? You know, it's bad enough that the three stooges MOCKED me on their way up the stage steps on I'm being called a deserter. Not fair, Fuller. :)

I have to say - it's weirder than I thought it was going to be...