Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

I figured I would take this time to get the first post in for Father's Day. Yesterday my nephew graduated from high school, Way To Go Matthew!!!! But anyway, it was a another opportunity to spend some time with my father and my grandfather. BTW my grandfather is 94 years old. That man is simply amazing. My grandmother is 86 and they have been married for 66 years. They are stilling going strong.

The point is that I want to honor them for their roles in shaping the man you see here on this blog and in person. These two men did what many Black men of this generation chose not to do. That is, get married, have kids and then stick around to raise them. I owe much of who I am to these 2 men. Those of you who know me best may say, but John your dad is not saved. While that is true, he did instill in me some Godly principles even if he didn't realize it. Dr. Myles Munroe said it best while visiting our church that the fathers are the foundation of the family. Destroy the foundation, you destroy the family, destroy the family, you destroy a society. Dads our roles are vital to raising great kids. It works best when there is a mom and dad to raise them, but we can't forsake our role in getting it done.

Looking at my grandfather yesterday it hit me that I am a part of the legacy and blessing because of the foundation that he is in our family. I thank God for him all the time.

Happy Father's Day!!!

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