Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Time TV

Well it has been a while since I posted so I thought I would go with this: NO Re-Runs

  1. American Gladiator- Just as good as when I was a kid
  2. Wipe Out-New show on ABC- Kinda modeled after the Japanese game shows- Very Funny!
  3. Design Star- Helen loves it and I love her so there you go. Not that bad either
  4. Deadliest Catch- Crab fishing to the MAX!
  5. UFC Unleashed- Two Men, 1 ring, tons of pain.
  6. So you think you can dance- Watched it once or twice. It was ok
  7. America's Got Talent- Good if you need a quick nap before bed
  8. Nashville Star- Watched just enough to know who is hosting. (Billy Ray Cyrus)
  9. If you have Direct TV- Gospel Channel is a good one! Lots of good music videos and other special programs!
  10. What not to Wear- Just started watching this again. Once again, Helen loves it so see #3

So there you have it. The Summer time viewing list.

P.S. I promise to have something more in depth to say soon. You will just have to wait for it.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Great Church Sign

Sorry guys, I've been on vacation so there haven't been any posts coming from yours truly. With that said I thought I would get back in the groove by posting another interesting church sign that I saw just today.

It reads: "Our Sundays are better than Baskin Robbins!" Whether that is true or not isn't for me to judge, but Baskin Robbins is bringing 31 flavors so they had better come strong if they expect to top them.

Bonus sign. Actually I didn't see this one on a church sign but it is true not the less. It reads: " If God doesn't help, Help ain't coming!" I liked it, so there you go.

Musa Out!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

I figured I would take this time to get the first post in for Father's Day. Yesterday my nephew graduated from high school, Way To Go Matthew!!!! But anyway, it was a another opportunity to spend some time with my father and my grandfather. BTW my grandfather is 94 years old. That man is simply amazing. My grandmother is 86 and they have been married for 66 years. They are stilling going strong.

The point is that I want to honor them for their roles in shaping the man you see here on this blog and in person. These two men did what many Black men of this generation chose not to do. That is, get married, have kids and then stick around to raise them. I owe much of who I am to these 2 men. Those of you who know me best may say, but John your dad is not saved. While that is true, he did instill in me some Godly principles even if he didn't realize it. Dr. Myles Munroe said it best while visiting our church that the fathers are the foundation of the family. Destroy the foundation, you destroy the family, destroy the family, you destroy a society. Dads our roles are vital to raising great kids. It works best when there is a mom and dad to raise them, but we can't forsake our role in getting it done.

Looking at my grandfather yesterday it hit me that I am a part of the legacy and blessing because of the foundation that he is in our family. I thank God for him all the time.

Happy Father's Day!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Burden of Leadership

If being a leader was easy, anyone could do it. I have discovered how easy it is to critic others for how they lead or conduct themselves based on the position they are in. It is quite another matter to occupy that position and be faced with those decisions knowing that the outcome of those decisions will affect those around you. This guy has made that abundantly clear as he moves ever closer to being the lead dog of this place! To make a long story short, I have taken the opportunity to not just complain about a situation but instead try a new concept and get involved to make it right. I was elected to the board of my children's school, and while I still feel somewhat under qualified, I never the less felt compelled to act. The saying: " The only way for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing!" kept popping up in my mind. I now have a chance to make an impact on something that is very important to me.

Leadership to me is best put like this: If you have to ability to act then you also have a responsibility to do so. Its kinda like seeing an accident happen and instead of lending a helping hand, we cruise on past and just rubber neck the whole event from afar. All the while saying it must stink to be in that situation or if they had been paying attention it wouldn't have happened. Catch my drift? As a christian, I haven't been called to just get by and not get involved. I am supposed to be a change agent, a catalyst, an example to those around me. So I have put myself out there for all kinds of critics to come my way.

In other words, you can criticize me all you want, but at least I am in the game!!! The view from the sideline must look pretty good huh?

I am just saying!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Night Brain Dump!

Well it is Sunday night and we don't have choir practice.... So I find myself in front of this computer typing out this blog post.

  1. I attended a pair of funerals over the weekend, one of which I was asked to be a pal bearer as soon as I arrived at the church. Helen was worried about me. But I was honored to do it.
  2. I saw a lady driving on I-40 and she was holding her cell phone with one hand and flossing her teeth with the other. Talented or stupid.... You decide.
  3. It has been Jungle hot outside over the past few days.
  4. Vacation for me and my family is one week away.
  5. Kennedy turned 10 this past Tuesday.... My kids are going up WAY TOO FAST!
  6. Caleb will be 13 in August. I could be wrong but I think of all my closest friends from college that Helen and I will be the first to take the dip into parenting a teenager. Fortunately we will get to practice on Kennedy before we get to Courtney. She may be the one that tests my metal as a father.
  7. Abbye bailed on the worship team because she wanted to get ready for baby Rylee. Can you believe it. Man, this is so unfair. Seriously, it was great to have her as our Worship and Creative arts Director.
  8. Happy Anniversary to my pastors: Ron and Norma- 39 years!!! AWESOME!
  9. Must go to the beach this summer.

Question of the Day/Week/Month: If the only time you pray together as a family is over your meals, is that a problem?

As always.... I'm just saying..... Musa Out!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Where were you when????

Since Google didn't think it was important to remember this, I figured I would do it. Do you know what today is??? Think about it for a second.... Give up?

It is the 64th anniversary of D-Day.

It has been said that the men and women from that era are known as the "Greatest Generation". I believe they may be right.

Musa Out!

Monday, June 2, 2008

TownHall- 6-1-08

Well we just attended our first Town hall meeting for our church to help our congregation better understand some of the changes that are taking place here. Pastor Ron and Pastor B shared their heart and vision for the future. To me it wasn't a whole lot of new material that was shared, because to Helen and I had already made up our minds where we stood. Some things that stood out to me about this meeting:

Pastor Ron talked about the importance of the prophetic and that how it was needed less inside the church and needed more out in the world where the lost and hurting reside. To me at first I didn't get it but the more I thought about it the more I found myself nodding in agreement.

If nothing else, that statement challenged me to walk by Holy Spirit direction. How many people have I passed by that God could have used me to speak a word of encouragement to them.

Pastor Ron is moving to a role in which he will be able to pour into the leaders of our church. This really excites me because it will be a chance to learn from a great leader of men.

Pastor B doesn't have it all figured out.... And that is OK. Because it is about the pursuit of the Father.

I believe we are getting ready to enter the most challenging and purpose fulfilling time in the life of our church. 2008 is supposed to be the year of acceleration and elevation. Are you ready?

Musa Out!