Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Un-offended

God has the ability to cast my sin as far as the East is from the West and remember them no more. Now we say, how can He simply forget the wrong that I have done? Well I decided to take a look at it more closely. Many of you who read this may not be aware that my wife is white and I am of course NOT! I think the PC term for it is Inter-racial marriage. I will have a post on the whole "race" thing later. But for now let us focus in on this. When Helen and I first started dating her family was not very happy with it at all. Long story short most of her family did not come to our wedding. She had to walk down the aisle without her father. It was tough, and we could have felt justified in being angry or even bitter. The thing that kept me grounded was that I knew what the word of the Lord was to me concerning Helen and I believed in my heart that God would turn it around.

The thing that amazes me, is that God is so much better than anything we can imagine or think. He not only reconciled us to Helen's family but He so completely healed the breach that I really do not remember what it was like before He restored those relationships. To me, that is how I know when I am walking in forgiveness towards someone. When I can't recall what it felt like when the pain and offense were still new.

As far as East is from the West, into the sea of forgetfulness. Are you able to say that with a clear conscience towards those in your lives. It kinda gives new meaning to the phrase "Forgive and Forget" now doesn't it?

I am just saying.....



Anonymous said...

Awesome dude. Thanks. Now I know why I love you.

the Tim

Anonymous said...

WOW! I can say I know exactly what you're saying in the first part of your blog. Not the black and white part of course, but somewhat simlilar story. We forgave, and God did the rest. The rest is history. Just God being His amazing self again.