Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Changed My Mind!!!

After a weekend of powerful teaching, my mind is being renewed and my way of thinking is becoming radically changed. I had a opportunity to talk with someone I know about a situation in their lives. This person is not saved but they are "open" to spiritual things. When I think about witnessing to people I used to think it was some crazy religious way to introduce Jesus to people and basically talk about what He did in the bible. That is messed up and backwards thinking. What is a witness? It is someone who has first hand knowledge of an event. Well how can we have first hand knowledge of Christ in the bible? We are witnesses for him because we have first hand knowledge of what He did in our own lives. That is the key to being a great witness. The ability to share what Christ did in you, with the rest of the world. It may sound simple but it has impacted me in a way that I never thought possible. It means that everything I have been through in life had a reason, a purpose. It will be useful one day when God directs my path across someone that needs a touch from Him. It will be at that moment that I will take what happened to me and share it with them and relate how God's faithfulness brought me out of difficult circumstances and into victory. The gospel is not difficult, I just think we make it that way. Hope this helps!

Musa Out!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Johnny. I was just second guessing my last post. Way personal! people might not need to hear all that. But... the main reason for my blog is to be a witness to the goodness of God. It does not come through in every single thing on there but hopefully it always edifies. I really enjoy your honesty and the way you explain things. Love ya

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOO true!! Couldn't have said it better myself.