Friday, January 18, 2008

It is that time again....

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!!! WHEEEW!!!

It is the weekend and it calls for sleeping late, Honey-Do's, Carolina basketball and the NFL playoffs. These are a few of my favorite things. I can remember in my much younger years that if I didn't have some place to go and something to do then I was missing out on some awesome experience that would never come my way again. Somehow having children has cured me of the need to be in the middle of the "in crowd". My co-workers talk of big plans and of the places they will be going. Just give me a couch and remote and I will be in hog heaven on a Friday night. Don't get me wrong, I still have some fraction of a social calendar, its just that it is not as important as it used to be. We closed out the work week with a bang. In my line of work, I work on computers/networks for the school system. We had to re-image an entire elementary school today. It was a fairly smooth process until we discovered that in so doing we may have accidentally erased one of the teacher's flash drives with all her info on it. Hey it happens, and before you ask I was not the one who did it. Long story short, being such great technicians we were able to find a data recovery program that should restore all of her lost files.

What else can I say.... Its the weekend and a 3 day one at that. Life is good!


Hbomb said...

You failed to mention it was a flash drive with 5 years worth of work on it!

Kim's Hotrod said...

5 years worth of work??!!?? Something that important should be backed up to something besides a flash drive. It's simple and easy to do a CD or DVD backup.

Save me a spot on the couch for the games tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I'm not believing 5 years of info on a flash drive. The teacher is to blame. Per NC policy it should have been backed up on secure media, unless it had student info then it should not have been on the flash in the first place....

Anyway it's Tuesday now and the couch and remote seem years away.