As I listen to my XM radio pumping out the 90's hits, I have discovered that during the course of my marriage to my wonderful wife, that there are certain things that we shouldn't do together.
As I type she is up stairs ironing the curtains for one window. Yes I am hanging curtains, and if the amount of trauma I just endured to hang this one window is any indication of what's to come, I am in big trouble. So this leads me to my point. Obviously, at least to me, cooperative home decorating is something we should never ever try to do together again. It seems that there is missed communication all over the place, which is leading to frustration and high anxiety. Fortunately, I think we have worked it out to the point were we should be able to finish the family room without too much difficultly. Pray for me... and Helen. :)
Well she is back, so I must go.... But I must say she looks mighty cute standing on that ladder. Maybe all is not lost after all...... Do I hear the Olympic theme music in the background.... We shall see.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Marriage challenges
Sunday, June 24, 2007
It is late and I should be in bed fast asleep but instead I am sitting at this computer typing out this post. It may be a good thing because my allergies are acting up and it seems to be a good thing to give Helen a head start on sleeping before I join her and start sawing logs.
Things are always changing, aren't they? I mean sometimes it takes major life upheaval for us to notice, but change is a part of life. Just the other day I was looking through some old pictures of my children with amazement because it was difficult to remember them at those ages. Change is one of those parts of life that has a way of being exciting and feared at the same time. It is something that will happen whether we want it to or not, we can't control it, but we can control how we respond to it. It is simply my desire to be prepared the best I can for when those changes come, so that I will be able to take them with grace and humility whether they be good or bad. The one thing I find in an ever changing world is that my God is the same yesterday, today and forever. And that in Him there is no shadow of turning. He holds true every time.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
OH BOY!!!! We have finally moved into the new house. We closed on Wednesday and while Helen was away at a teacher conference. I had some family over to help paint the downstairs. We moved in today and boy am I glad that is over. Special thanks to all my movers.... Pastor B a.k.a Gold Medal Spooner!, Super Don Printy, Mike Capace and his kids, Brett Ham, Christopher and Big Chris and of course Grandpa!
Job well done... Thanks for every thing. If you want pictures then Check out my wife's site, whenever she decides to post them!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
To Honor or to ask?
I have decided today that I am going to try something new. I am going to try and honor God instead of asking Him for the things I may need. We have all gone to Him with a laundry list of needs, but just for today I am going to "try" to ask for nothing and instead I will give Him Honor and thanks and praise. I will let you know how it works out!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Kill'em with kindness
I don't know how long I have felt this leading but for the last week or so whenever I have been on the phone or dealing with someone as a customer, I have been pressed to be very polite. I know it sounds a bit kooky but consider this, treating someone else with kindness is a great way to show that you respect them and value what they are doing. I have also found that by showing some heart felt kindness and patience is one of the best ways to get people to give you discounts or wave certain charges and fees. Dealing with the Knots and her injuries has afforded me several opportunities to show some kindness and genuine respect for those people that I have come in contact with. So take the time to show some kindness and be polite. Follow the golden rule and see what develops.
Friday, June 15, 2007
8 Facts about me.... I guess
I was tagged by my Wife so here we go.
- As a kid I use to bite my toe nails.... Very flexible as a lad I was
- My mom used to steal the eggs off of my plate while at the breakfast table because I hated eggs and feed them to the dog. The cool part was that she was fast enough to do it with my dad sitting there and he never noticed.
- Back in the 70's in Charlotte I was taken off the bus because the bus monitor thought I was on the wrong bus because I was black and that bus when to a "white" neighborhood that we lived in. My mom was waiting at home and when I didn't get off the bus she came looking for me and when she found me at school she let that teacher have it... Both barrels!!!
- I kissed Kevin a.k.a Cubbie on a dare from Big Waxy. Whoa I needed to do something manly right after..... Christina (his wife) can have him! It was quick and painful! See what peer pressure can do!
- As a kid I put my hands through 4 glass screen doors without cutting myself. Apparently I was in a hurry to get outside and hitting the handle was optional.
- As a toddler my Nanny was German and she spoke to us often in German so when I got home I would also speak to my parents in German. I was a well rounded youth.
- I once threw cinder blocks into my neighbors pool... just because. My dad was really mad, but I didn't get a spanking, in part because he might have killed me. I was grounded for several weeks though
- The Log story.... More on that one later.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Weeble Wooble Faith
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Pick and Choose!
Which do you prefer???
- Coke or Pepsi
- Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts
- Mcdonalds french fries or Hardee's or Burger King
- For You Married Couples- Spooning or sleeping back to back
- Chips Ahoy or Oreos
- Domino's or Pizza Hut
- 24 or Heroes (if it is not 24 then don't bother to answer)
- CSI- Las Vegas or CSI- Miami
- PC or Mac
- Road Runner or DSL ( if you are still using dial-up, please turn in your computer now!)
- Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry
- Football ( that's it, you only get one choice)
- NIV or NKJ or the Message bible or something else
- Thanksgiving or Christmas
- Pringles or Lay's
- Hamburgers or Hotdogs
- Night Owl or Morning Person
- The mountains or the beach
- Dogs or cats
- Right handed or Left
Answer one, answer all or add your own!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
God spoke three things to me this week... In light of the fact that Father's Day is Sunday, I find this a good time to share this.
3 things:
- Have a pure heart
- Serve your wife
- love your children
I can look at these points and say that these are the important ingredients to being a successful man, husband and father. I would elaborate on them but as you can plainly see, the title is all about keeping it simple.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Part 3
Great Inventions during the 70's and 80's
Reese peanut butter cups
Mello Yello
Kit Kat Bar
Monday, June 4, 2007
Childhood Reflections Part 2
As requested.... Favorite T.V. Shows from the 70's and 80's
1. The A-team
2. The Dukes of Hazard... yeah black folks watch Bo and Luke do their thing!
3. Saturday Night Live
4. T.J. Hooker- For those who don't know, it is William Shatner as a Cop.
5. Hill Street Blues... My dad let me watch it with him
6. Magnum P.I.
7. Cosby Show
8. Happy Days
9. Love Boat
10. Airwolf
Don't feel like you have to abandon the toy post just yet...
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Childhood reflections!
I decided to take a different turn with my latest post and it will require some help and insight from all who pass through here. I would like share with you some of my favorite toys from my childhood. Now remember I grew up during the 70's and 80's so nintendo and X-Boxes weren't an option. So it got me thinking about putting together a sort of top 10 list of toys that I played with. So here we go!!!