In keeping with my new found inspiration for Christmas. I thought I would let you in on a little publicized, yet hotly contested battle that goes on in my house about this time of year. The great Christmas tree war. You see, my lovely wife is just CRAZY about Christmas. She would start decorating and preparing in August if she could. But I digress, for you see every year that we have been married she has gotten to decorate the tree any way she wanted. For the most part, that has been fine with me, except for one sticking point: THE LIGHTS! When I was a kid we decorated our trees with the multi-colored lights and mismatch ornaments. We even had a multi-colored star that lit up on the top of the tree. And as many of you know, my wife is very precise when it comes to decorating, especially at Christmas time. She likes the white lights and matching ornaments. The color schemes have varied only a little since our first Christmas. The main themes usually being gold and burgundy and some shade of green. I thought I would have had some allies when we had kids because I was able to successfully bring them over to my side of this fight and push for the multi-colored lights. I was sad to say that my Helen was a Rock unto which our watery assault beat in vain. She has stood fast and held true to her decorating prowse. Will I ever get my wish, who knows. But it is not for lack of trying.
My mother-in-law tried to extend an olive branch on my behalf and she bought me a 3 ft tall fake tree with the multi-colored lights on it. It was displayed in a less than prominent place in our apartment, Helen won again. Fortunately all is not lost, because where I have failed on the lights I have gained ground with the mis-matched ornaments. My secret weapon.... The kids. Did you know that kids make and collect all kinds of crazy ornaments and then have the nerve to want them on the tree. I feel like a field general positioning his troops for the final assault. Helen doesn't stand a chance.
P.S. Don't tell her I wrote this.